Sama Yoga
Teacher Training in Bali
Yoga Immersions & Yoga Teacher Training in Bali
The below info is from the last Bali course. We have not planned when the next one will take place.
To join a Teacher training or Deepening course with us, please join us in Sweden.

A complete Holistic Yoga Study Program
This course has passed. We have not yet planned when to run it again. Welcome to contact us if you’re interested.
A complete Holistic Yoga Study Program
60 hours Yoga Immersions – combine to a 240hr Yoga Teacher Training Certification
Maybe one of the most transformative courses in Bali. For anyone who wants to grow into a mature and harmonious person thru a yogic lifestyle, applied to modern life. We adress the whole person from a holistic perspective which helps you see how lovable you are and how you can come home to yourself. Taught by very experienced teachers who live what they teach and know how to clearly transmit their knowledge to You. After more than 12 years of giving teacher trainings we know how deep and rewarding this journey is and we feel confident to guide you through the process. Based in the timeless teachings of traditional advaita vedanta we share with you classical vedic disciplines and wisdom, fused with modern psychology, in a way that makes sense in your life. We have collected the most valuable teachings and insights that can not be learnt merely from reading or from the internet. This course will transform you into a confident teacher with depth behind your words.
Yoga Asana ~ Qi gong ~ Ayurveda ~ Vaidika Dharma ~ Mantras ~
Satsang ~ Chanting ~ Meditation ~ Understanding the mind ~ Jungian Psychology ~
Inner Child work ~ Sanskrit ~ Ritual ~ Devotion ~ Vedanta ~ Yoga Shastra ~ Philosophy ~
8 limbs of Patanjali ~ Spirituality
This training, composed by four modules of 60 contact hours, is suited for all who are looking to deepen their yoga and spiritual lifestyle as well as for body workers, yoga teachers, therapists, counsellors and all facilitators and practitioners wanting to enhance their practice and their offerings and get maximum growth as a yogi. It is a time to commit fully to a yoga sadhana (daily practices). Suitable both if you want to deepen your own practice and understanding of yoga as a way of life, or if you feel inspired to teach and join all four modules to complete a teacher training program.
Enjoy the luxury of Bali with exquisitely beautiful surroundings, affordable massages & spas, organic local food – homemade, raw, vegetarian, glutenfree, juices, smoothies and much more. Take care of yourself well and practice in the warm weather, totally supported by the Balinese culture and easy living conditions.
After completion of this module you will be able to:
Module 1 – ‘The Foundation of Yoga & Ayurveda’
Daily Yoga Asana classes
Teach Sama Yoga Asanas & Sequences
How to teach intuitively
Insights into teaching, how to get absorbed into the yoga
Understand the principles of Ayurveda, including special needs of women
Understand the beauty of Sama Yoga, its uniqueness & gift of acceptance
The purpose of Yoga & how to integrate it into daily life
Bring the chanting/mantras into your asanas
Confidently lead 3 different pranayama techniques
Lead sun salutation sequence with mantras
How to hold space
Being yourself in the teacher role
Accessing intuitive teaching where the class is “pulled out” by the students
Sequencing a natural flow where the breath guides the way
Ayurveda – how to incorporate it in the yoga teaching as well as into your own life for balance & health.
Leadershipskills – how to be a healthy teacher and rolemodel
How to continue your study, practice and growth after the course
Certificate from Sama Yoga & Vaidika
Module 2 – ‘Yoga & Meditation’
Daily Yoga Asana classes
Develop more insights into Sama Yoga Asanas
Developing the attitude of Yoga & understanding the mind
Understand a healthy model of the mind as an inner instrument
Having tools for emotional management
Knowing how to live a harmonious life with yourself and others
Able to guide inner friend meditations
Will know the important steps of meditation
Purpose of meditation
Patanjali Ashtanga Yoga System in the light of Vedanta
Understanding different schools of yoga
The purpose of Japa
Understanding the unconscious
To know how to continue your studies, practices & self growth
Healthy borders
Professional teacher-student relationship
Leadershipskills – how to be a healthy teacher and rolemodel
How to continue your study, practice and growth after the course
Learn how to develop your inner friend, philosopher and guide
Certificate from Sama Yoga & Vaidika
Module 3 – ‘Sanskrit, Chanting & Ritual‘
Daily Yoga Asana classes
Lead a ceremony
Understanding Ishvara
Understand the purpose & benefits of Puja & rituals
Understanding Bhakti/Devotion
Freedom in relationships
The purpose & benefits of Vedic Chanting
Introduction to Sanskrit: sript & proper pronunciation
Chant properly the most essential mantras (Mrtyunjaya Mantra, Gayatri, …)
Make the world my altar
See the sanctity in every aspect of your life
Leadershipskills – how to be a healthy teacher and rolemodel
How to continue your study, practice and growth after the course
Certificate from Sama Yoga & Vaidika
Module 4 – ‘Yoga & Vedanta‘
Daily Yoga Asana classes
Purushartha – Human goals
Fudamental Problem
Who am I in relation to the world & god
The Value of Values
Leadershipskills – how to be a healthy teacher and rolemodel
Common misunderstandings in the yoga world
Role of a Guru
Avoiding inner conflict
Ultimate goal of Yoga
What is freedom, how do I gain it?
What is advaita vedanta
How to continue your study, practice and growth after the course
Certificate from Sama Yoga & Vaidika
240 Hrs YTT exclusive offerings if you join all 4 steps:
Daily Yoga Asana classes
Teach Sama Yoga Asanas & Sequences
How to teach intuitively
Insights into teaching, how to get absorbed into the yoga
Understand the principles of Ayurveda, including special needs of women
Understand the beauty of Sama Yoga, its uniqueness & gift of acceptance
The purpose of Yoga & how to integrate it into daily life
Bring the chanting/mantras into your asanas
Confidently lead 3 different pranayama techniques
Lead sun salutation sequence with mantras
How to hold space
Being yourself in the teacher role
Accessing intuitive teaching where the class is “pulled out” by the students
Sequencing a natural flow where the breath guides the way
Ayurveda – how to incorporate it in the yoga teaching as well as into your own life for balance & health.
Leadershipskills – how to be a healthy teacher and rolemodel
How to continue your study, practice and growth after the course
Certificate from Sama Yoga & Vaidika
All three main teachers of this training (Sky, Sanna & Sharada) are devoted to a life of yoga, making every aspect of their modern life a sadhana for growth. Previous students often comment “they walk their talk”. Apart from their extensive experience and education in many aspects of yoga, they all are based in the same teachings of “Traditional Advaita Vedanta”, in the lineage of Shri Pujya Swāmi Dayānanda Saraswati,
For the past 10-20 years they have spent at least 6 months every year living with and in daily classes with their teachers Shri Swami Vagishanandaji and Shri Radhaji, as well as many courses in Swami Dayanandajis ashrams when he was still alive. They have been given their blessings to teach to carry this tradition forward. Currently they are taking part in a 3,5 yr residential Vedanta course with Radhaji, which continues for 5-12 weeks every year.
A little more about their teachers:
Shri Swami Vagishanandaji is a sanyasi, vedanta scholar and chanting master for the past 40 years (he participated in five 3,5yr residential courses with Swami Dayanandaji!). He lives like a monk, devoted to hindu dharma (universal values) and traditions.
Shri Radhaji, Dr Carol Whitfield, is a vedanta teacher and sanskrit scholar, teacher at the CIIS University in San Fransisco as well as an accomplished therapist and PhD in psychology. She studied with Swami Dayanandaji since the 1970s and was for many years the manager of one of his ashrams.Both of them have the rare combination of understanding both the eastern teachings as well as psychology and the needs of a modern mind and the western mind.
Shri Pujya Swāmi Dayānanda Saraswati – words fall short to describe our revered Guru Pujya Swamiji. He completely revived the tradition of Vedanta and Hindu Dharma and has impacted millions of peoples lives world wide.
To be so close with our teachers is a profound blessing.