Sama Yoga Teacher Training

This course is suitable both if you wish to teach, or just deepen your own practice and understanding of Yoga

The Sama Yoga Teacher Training

The Sama Yoga Teacher training involves a full understanding of Yoga, not only on the mat, but as a way of living that gives harmony, balance and joy in your life. From over 12 years of leading teacher trainings, we have collected the most valuable teachings and insights that can not be learnt merely from reading or from the internet but that are held in the heart of us who have studied and practiced for a long time and embraced yoga fully in our own lives. This course will transform you into a confident teacher with depth behind your words. It’s in all-inclusive retreat form. 3 steps, a total of 27 retreat days, stretching over 9 months.

Why is the Sama Yoga teacher training unique?

  • Sama Yoga presents a full yoga lifestyle, how you can live in harmony with your transforming Sama Yoga Teacher Training with Sky, in asana filosophy environment, and most importantly how we can mature and grow into responsible, stable, spiritual people that honor and live a life in accordance with human values. The teachings come directly from Bhagavad Gita, Patanjali Yoga Sutras and Vedas. We learn about Asana, Meditation, Puja, Prayers, Devotion, Emotional management, proper chanting, Mantra, and meanings of mantras, psychology and how the consistent practice of these disciplines earns us grace and blessings in the life.

  • The Yoga is delivered straight from the heart, from a deep trust in the yoga wisdom and knowledge to flow from teacher to student. It is delivered as a prayer. The confidence to teach this way comes from absorbing the teachings over several years of study and practice. We train ourselves to be very present, available to learn, quiet and focused in the mind, inspired, and devoted to yoga as a way of life. The yoga arrives more and more deeply in our heart and available to come out as the situation calls it to come. We learn how even a simple Asana (posture) can be richly presented in such a way that its effects go deep and the students relax and resolve into the more subtle aspects of the pose the heart-centered presence of the teacher is developed as they embody the teachings more fully due to a consistent commitment and a love for sharing the knowledge. The teacher feels grateful and mutually honors the students, free from manipulation and control issues. Relaxed in non-competition, students are encouraged to honor their body/minds, they are praised, beautiful qualities are recognized. Freedom form competition, comparison and control, which means freedom from sorrow.

  • The physical presentation of Sama Yoga is an integration of Hatha Yoga, Kriyas, Qi gong and heart opening mantras, intuitively delivered in a relaxed way, that honors the students and lets them feel comfortable the whole way through. There’s a sense of continuous flow even in the stillness, the poses lead gracefully from one to another allowing the practitioner to go deeply into the sensations feeling the more subtle aspects of the pose. Guidance is given in an appropriate way, enough to direct students to set up the pose correctly, then pay attention to specific aspects and feelings in the body. Mantras and movements are incorporated into the class to deepen focus and devotion this also brings an opening to the voice and heart. The teaching is conveyed with simplicity and depth.

  • While teaching Yoga we take great care to use language that is appropriate and non-manipulative, so the students can truly trust and relax. This is absorbed by the students throughout the course and will become their language too. We learn how to teach without using notes. The mechanics and technical aspects of the Asanas are explored in depth and students get a good understanding how to perform the asanas and practice teaching them to the group.We devote two classes per day to being on the yogamat and engaging in hatha yoga, both in flow and structure, solo and groupwork.

  • The students get a good understanding how to perform the Asanas and practice teaching them to the group. We devote 2 classes per day to being on the yoga mat and engaging in Hatha yoga, both in flow and structure, solo and group work. Yoga is a commitment to cognitive and emotional maturity! The teaching is there and guides us as to how to do this. Going pain is Growing pain, we learn to stay present with painful feelings. Yoga Sutras presents the Yamas and Niyamas as the first limb of Yoga practice. It’s not to be taken lightly or passed over. SamaYoga asks the students to commit to living a life in alignment with these sacred values. We teach these thoroughly, we live these values and see how they bless us, deeply strengthening our character and freeing our heart from conflict. The benefit of this is: less reaction, less frequency of reaction and sooner recovery from reaction. We commit to practice Yoga Asanas and Pranayama as a means of stabilizing the mind and body. See what happens when you commit to a daily practice of nadi shodana for 6 months or longer.

  • Sky meets all students individually, seeing where they are at, what is the physical/emotional state of the person and what they can focus on in between the 3 segments. Personal programs are not set in stone and sometimes altered accordingly to the changing needs of the student. All personal programs are shared with other students in the course so they gain a resource bank of different practices and they can see how the practices are suited to the individual needs.

  • We learn and practice Japa Sadhana –repetition of Mantra This is a rich resource for the student, and all students are initiated into Mantra Japa. They are encouraged to chant every day, and over time they can gain deeper and deeper focus and devotion in the chanting. This is a great way to learn to manage our thoughts, when we repeat the same sacred words over and over we clearly see what thought patterns pop upSky Japa Samayogalärarutbildningen that’s not part of the chanting. Our voice is the tool to convey the words, there must be a confidence and strength to deliver these special words. Chanting and repetition of mantra gives this voice strengthening. Also the mantras are taught correctly, how they were originally presented and honoring the sacred Vedic sounds. The meanings of the mantras are also unfolded. In the mornings we chant Mantra 108 times.

  • We get classes with a very rare traditional teacher, a Swamiji (master) who deeply understands the purpose of yoga and has practiced it, lived it thoroughly and taught for 40 years. Swami Vagishananda Saraswati has been an important aspect of this training, teaching us traditional Vedanta and yoga lifestyle as taught in the Bhagavad Gita. Swamiji takes the role of a seeing-eye dog and guides us with words to see what we truly ARE, to see the essence of ourselves that is unaffected by the various states of the body and the mind. We get to ask questions about the nature of oneself, the world and God. The purpose of this teaching is to help us be content in ourselves, by ourselves, no matter what happens in body and mind. Sri Swamiji is a rare jewel indeed, we are blessed to have classes in Bali with a teacher so deep and so available to share this knowledge clearly.

The Sama Yoga Teacher training is in in all-inclusive retreat form. 3 steps, a total of 27 retreat days, stretching over 9 months. Between the steps we meet in online classes and share support, home assignments and ways to assimilate the yoga into your daily life. Since the course runs over som many months you get a good chance to assimilate the yoga and the teachings into your life in a way that makes sense to you. You get to meet the everyday life and possible challenges while still having the support from the techers and the group. This way you can really grow into the role of a yogi and yoga teacher.   

Take a glimpse inside our

Teacher Training manual

This is a shortened version of our extensive Teacher Training manual where you will find all supportive material given during your training.

You get 270 taught hours, certified by the Yoga Alliance, filled with practical,

theoretical and philosophical classes that include:

  • Course Content

    • Traditional Yoga technique (Asana, Pranayama, meditation and mantra)

    • Yoga philosophy, Attitudes and Lifestyle with roots in the ancient vedic tradition

    • Anatomy and Physiology (including both the teaching of the body and the different organs, as well as knowledge of Prana, Nadis and Chakras)

    • Unique classes with Swamiji, a master of vedanta, yoga sastra, chanting and sanskrit since over 45 years

    • Understanding what puja (ceremony) can give us and practice leading own ceremonies in a way that resonates with you

    • Basic knowledge of sanskrit, the language of Yoga. Including both alphabet and pronunciation

    • Teaching methodology (how to teach, demonstrate and adjust) and discussions around what it means to be a yoga teacher

    • Practicing your teaching skills, feedback, observing others teaching

    • During the first step Sky gives you a personal program that fits your body and constitution that you bring home to practice

    • Private coaching sessions

    • An online library with classes to use at home

    • Introduction to Ayurveda and how to apply it to your life

    • Yoga from the standpoint of the 5 elements

    • Understanding of how you can integrate and make sense of the ancient teachings and practices in your modern day-today life

    • Voice training

    • Understanding of the power of words and how our ways of expressing affects the students

    • Tips for how you can start giving your own classes and retreats

    • Personal support and home assignments throughout the year

    • Home assignments as support for the time after the course

    • Certification as a Sama Yoga teacher

    • Possibility to apply for Yoga Alliance certificate at the 200hr-level

  • Material

    • Sama Yoga manual (see digital version here)

    • Books by Sky: ”32 Asanas” and ”Pranayama”

    • Books by Swami Dayananda Saraswati: ”Value of Values” and ”The true teacher”

    • Book about mantra by Geoffrey Blaidsdell: “Japa”

    • Surprise gift at the final ceremony

    • 140h yoga technique (asana, pranayama, meditation and mantra)

    • 40h teaching methodology

    • 15h anatomy and physiology

    • 50h Yoga philosophy, lifestyle and ethics for yoga teachers

    • 10h practising to teach

    • 15h special needs.

Here is an example of what a day can look like: 

  • 6-9am – Morning sadhana with Yoga Asana, Meditation and Puja

  • 9am – Breakfast

  • Break and Private meetings with the teachers

  • 11-12.15pm – Forest Philosophy — A walk in the forest and an outdoor Philosophy/Lifestyle talk

  • 12.30-1.30pm – Workshop

  • 1.30pm – Lunch and time for rest and reflection

  • 4-7pm – Workshop

  • 7pm – Dinner

  • 8.15pm – Evening activity/Sauna/Massage/Kirtan or Free time

Application and course info

Teacher Training


Signup to Anna Sunesson (0046-735-723370) or send us an email to

You apply to the course by sending us a personal letter, where you write about your yoga experience why you want to do the course. Write in English if possible.

*PLEASE NOTE that our usual protocol is to first review your application, decide on your acceptance and after that ask for the deposit.


The number of students is limited to 20, for maximum support of every individual. The main teachers are available for support throughout the whole course, also between the steps. In addition to that there are guest teachers coming for parts of the course.

Accommodation is mainly in double rooms


The course takes place at cozy Villa Söderåsen with a view of the  beautiful Söderåsen National park in Röstånga, south Sweden. It’s easy to get here from Copenhagen airport as the train goes straight from the airport, change to bus and it take you all the way to the venue.  Söderåsen provides the most exquisite environment both outside and inside to support your journey and let you get absorbed into the yoga fully.

Everything is taken care of during the retreats, so that you can fully relax and focus on yourself and the course. Accommodation is mainly in shared double rooms.


The food is of highest possible quality, as much as possible organic ingredients, vegan & gluten free. Each meal is lovingly prepared to create balance and suit a yogic lifestyle.



We’re VERY passionate about teaching and studying yoga and the ancient vedic scriptures.

We’re less interested in marketing and administration. This year we’ve chosen to stay true to our hearts and focus on what we love, thus spending less time in front of the computer and leaving the marketing up to life itself. Thus, dates for the next teacher training will be set once we have enough people ready to join. Let us know if you are one!

We know that what we teach is invaluable, 300 Sama Yoga teachers can testify that. We trust that if the training is meant to happen, the right students will find us. It’s a feeling of freedom in our hearts to let go of marketing focus and just trust in the greater picture. It’s all in order!

With LOVE for YOGA


After the course you will get a certification from the Sama Yoga School as a Qualified Yoga Teacher. You are also eligible to apply for Certification from Yoga Alliance 200hr.


Course fee including food & accomodation: 


If you need a payment plan, we’re happy to discuss how we can meet you in that!


The price includes 270 hrs teacher led hours – 28 all-inclusive retreat days, course material, support during the course’s 9 months, and a new heartfelt community of yoga friends for the rest of your life. Many other trainings offer only 200 hrs and fewer days for a similar course fee.

A wish for all students

May we gain the blessing of Moksha (liberation from a sense of limitation) and have the capacity to share with comfort and confidence the true teachings of yoga. May all beings have freedom from suffering.

Make it stand out.

Connecting with Sama Yoga

When you embark on a Yoga Teacher training it is essential that you resonate with and feel trust in the teachers. Therefore we are happy to meet you for a private phone call or video call so you can get a better feeling for who we are and ask any questions you may have. We look forward to meeting you!”

I’d like to be contacted:

More photos from the Sama Yoga TTC:

2017 album

2015-16 album

2014 album