Zoom classes with Sky in the comfort of your home

Sama Yoga Online classes with Sky

Online Time and Date Schedule

Tuesdays and Sundays 7-9pm starting Oct 8th.

Sunday 6th Oct 7-9pm

Tuesday 8th Oct 7-9pm

Sunday 13th Oct 7-9pm

Tuesday 15th Oct 7-9pm

Sunday 20th Oct 7-9pm

Tuesday 22nd Oct 7-9pm

No class 27th or 29th Oct (Sky has “Recharge for winter” retreat at Shambala)

Tuesday 5th Nov 7-9pm

Sunday 10th Nov 7-9pm

Tuesday 12th Nov 7-9pm

Sunday 17th Nov 7-9pm

No class 19th or 24th Nov (Sky has Silent Yoga & Meditation retreat at Mangalam)

Tuesday 26th Nov 7-9pm

Sunday 1st Dec 7-9pm

Tuesday 3rd Dec 7-9pm

Sunday 8th Dec 7-9pm

Tuesday 10th Dec 7-9pm

Sunday 15th Dec 7-9pm

We hope you feel comfortable with the value of the pricing so that even if you miss a few classes you can still sign up for the whole course and feel good about it.

Attend whenever and wherever you want!

If you live in Sweden we ask you kindly to pay via Swish or BG here!


up to 16 classes: 1500kr
up to 8 classes: 900kr
4 classes: 550kr
2 classes: 300kr
1 Class drop in: 180kr

How it goes

Read below

You can purchase your classes by choosing drop in or a pack of classes.

Drop in when you can, and buy just 1 class at the time or buy a pack of classes with the amount of classes you want. Choose the package above in this page and purchase your classes right away.

If you live in Sweden please purchase by

SWISH or BANKGIROT by email or here:

You have the option to use the recording as many times as you want after the live class (this will be available for 8 days after). Let all who wish to enjoy the yoga jewels have access!

Welcome all levels to attend!

IMPORTANT when Signing up:

– Number of classes you pay for (and which classes you will join if you wish to receive the recording afterwards. If you don’t know this yet, you can email us just before or after the class so that we can send the recording while it’s still active).
– Your name and physical address (because it needs to be stated on the receipt)
– If you pay through your company include VAT number and company name

If you are a Swedish attendee you can choose to pay by Swish or BG instead:
Swish: 123 021 40 64
Bankgironummer 5680-4289 (just send us email signing up)

*(Please state your full name and what you are paying for in the Swish and BG message fields).

For international attendees, you can purchase through this page.

Recordings Access

We will send an email with the link to the recording the morning after the class. It will stay available for viewing, 8 days after the class.

If you sign up for 16 classes we always send the recording to you.

If you’re signing up for less than 16 classes and want the recording, you need to tell us which classes you join either before or straight after the class. We will not send out recordings automatically except for those signed up for all classes.

Some Reflections on the Online Format by Sky

“It was an evolution for me to grow into an online “being” and keep offering yoga. I had to ask myself “Can it be done? The way I teach yoga, deeply feeling the people and the energy of the room, will the transmission take place?”

I’m pleased to say “Yes!” …the Yoga flows deep and true, bypassing this screen and becoming a personal and moving experience. It flowed really well. Last Autumn we had some great classes online, enjoying the benefits and blessings from the comfort of our own homes.

The good thing about being home is you can look and be as you want to, you can have a really bad hair day and that’s ok. Unless you live in Italy, where hair salons are one of the few services to remain open so people don’t get to have a bad hair day – just a bad day. Fortunately I don’t have the hair problem anymore and bad days are welcome too. Can always wear a turban!”

My wish

That you come! It’s great to see you! Let it serve everyone who comes. Let the classes be easy to follow, deep and clear. May we have an enriched experience that translates into kindness and freedom in our lives. May we be inspired to take care of ourselves and our world. May our hearts be home and at peace with what is.

  • ऐम् ह्रीम् ॐ सरस्वत्यै नमः

    Simple and deep. Sitting twist. It seems simple enough

    But is it? Being with the spine

    Watching the breath align

    And marvelling at the human design

    Makes it deep

    And fun

    And a welcome release.

  • Wisely guided

    By the voice of knowing.

    Rest inside this body

    Rest your eyesRest your bones

    Rest and feel the earth resting too.

  • Emerge and unwind

    Vital spine growing

    Wisely guided

    By the voice of knowing

    Space in the neck

    Space in the back

    Space in between

    The earth where you’re sat.

  • Sacred Expressions

    Welcome to flow

    Unwinded tensionsHelp us to grow

    Space in the heart

    Space in the mind

    Space in relationships

    Grateful to find.

  • Choicelessly we must choose within the scope of what’s given influenced by past actions and emotions hidden.

    A poem by Sky

  • Likes and dislikes will surely have their say! What does the heart tell upon the sunrise of a new day.

  • To trust that voice first voice of knowing, clear and content with the coming and going.

  • The purpose of choice, ultimately to grow. Fruits will come from the seeds we sow.

    Quote source

  • In the sea of Samsara exist both pleasure and pain, limited by their making blind choice of either calls us back again.

  • Thru circles and cycles we swim in the sea until using free will, we choose to be free!

  • Grace of this direction is there’s no going back Moksa is an already accomplished fact. Choices lead thru the forest

  • until this is clear and one can honestly say “it’s enough, it’s perfect right here!”

  • So whether the choice is to come or to gracefully go, The choice of all choices is choosing to know.

Please, email me for recorded classes with Sky to try for free.