Floating in trust

July 27, 2023

It was in 2007 I met my yoga master Sky for the first time. I was as flexible as the chair I sat in daily at work and the world of yoga was all new. Mind and body were utterly surprised after that first weekend. Head and muscles pounded. I felt tender. Everything was hurting. Yet all I could think about was when he would have his next retreat.

I took baby steps into yoga. Busy with everything else I thought I had to do in life. And challenged by the fact that I would never be a skinny brilliant, snake flexible student. Yes, you heard me. I had got it a bit wrong.

Luckily, I stayed on. Sky’s teaching offered something that I felt had the significance of being the key to life. I joined the Sama yoga Teacher Training 2010-2011. A profound journey took off.

A line from my diary – “Practiced with the element of water today. Sitting in the waves, every second person lifted their feet and stretched out, held by the arms of the others, floating in trust. I felt like a child in a carrousel. Everything pounded with love. I felt like screaming – I am alive. My salty tears mixed into the ocean. Grace. Pure grace. To discover this. And I am in it. Alive. Part of. Held. Holding.”

If you have the chance to do a TT with Sky, who now is teaching with the all love Vedanta teacher Sanna, I have but one recommendation – Do it.

_ Written by Anna Magdalena Eklund, Sama yoga teacher with focus on adaptive yoga
(recently moved to Röstånga in Sweden to build an Adaptive Yoga Studio)

FB: https://www.facebook.com/anna.scholtz.52

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/annamagdalenaeklund/


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You are lovable